
10 pounds down 32 pounds to go!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

"Oh you mean people with very high IQs and basic reasoning skills?"

This is Matt's breakfast, caramel cinnamon rolls which totally don't need icing but he insists. I made a very large dozen and they're all gone. I might have to break my oven in order to lose any weight while I'm home. Or maybe move it downstairs. On the upside not a single piece of candy was eaten yesterday. 'Course I bought 6 bags in a fit of "oh my god I want trick or treaters" and of course we didn't have a single one. What I'm going to do with the rest of than candy I just don't know. I can slowly feed it to my boyfriend but he's all anti-sugar unless it's been mixed and baked and covered in frosting. A purist he's not.

Yesterday I snapped some photos on my way to mail some resumes. This is a blueberry barren in my hood. See that mountain in the background, that would be my yard. I have some more blueberry pictures, the plants turn with the season just like the trees and the fields are all purple and red and crazy beautiful. More pictures to come.


Lauren said...

you could donate it to a local school to be given out as prizes. Or hey, mail it to me in korea, the kids here LOVE american foodstuff.

Lauren said...

you could donate it to a local school to be given out as prizes. Or hey, mail it to me in korea, the kids here LOVE american foodstuff.

Keetha said...

What? Oh, sorry, I got distracted by the caramel cinnamon roll.

Amy said...

They're really good. I have the cavities to prove it.