
10 pounds down 32 pounds to go!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

which one of you bitches wants to dance?

i wish i had tv just so i could watch bbc america. i just returned to netflix the first series of black books, possibly the funniest first season of any tv show i've ever watched. or maybe i just lust after dishevelled irishmen. who knows? whatever, it's hilarious and i can't stop giggling. and matt says "what's so funny?" and i have to say this show with the funny and this thing happened and then he gives me the look that says i know i asked but i thought it would be better.

see how boring that is, when your girlfriend giggles and then you have to ask why and the reason is never all that funny. is the blog becoming like that? i think it is. i think folks hit my link and expect me to be, like, shedding pounds and sweating to the oldies and what you get is a dialogue on frosting. postmodern masterpiece or serious case of fatal distraction. see, i can't even write anymore. it's serious and fatal because fatal isn't serious enough! apparently.

so, distracted. i awoke last night trying to decide between serving tiramisu in a large round cake form or making individual rounds. this italian cream dessert holds in it's cocoa dusted hands a link in the chain of the future of this business. (dun dun duhhhh) it's going to be under the nose of the owner of one of the bigger and better restaurants in town and it has to be god damn perfect. so perfect that he will ofcourse dump the exquisitely trained pastry chef he has in his employ and hire me. well, obviously not. but it won't fucking hurt will it.

i will get back to the fat. i'm exercising, i keep forgetting to eat, i'm even kicking the perky buns of ana caban in pilates. if that's not a recipe for success i don't know what is. it's all very stressful however and i can't seem to fit it all in my head. and then this morning i read about how my the college where i got my degree is now a joke among it's peers. i'm thinking A. thank god i live so far away. and B. thank god i'm starting a business that is not related to my degree in any way. who'd have thunk i'd be greatful for that one day? there's always a silver lining. (choke, cough, gag)


Wendell said...

We get like 9 BBC channels over here and I've never heard of Black Books. I'll have to look it up...

Good luck with that tiramisu!

Wendell said...

Yes - it looks like there were 3 series. All are available on Amazon UK if you're interested. PS my blog is back to dead again. It seems there was a tiny window when it was available and you happened to visit just then. Lucky you!

Amy said...

we only have the first season available, bummer. oooh, wait, i'll check canada. it's like britain but closer.

Amy said...

in canada you can get the first two series, making a beautiful transition into the americas.

Jennette Fulda said...

I think it's weird that they will import American shows to regular British TV, but they don't import British shows to show on regular American TV. You have to have the special BBC channels. Why is that? Do they really think Americans can't get over the accents? Instead they "redo" the series like with "Queer as Folk" or "The Office."

Amy said...

warped you say, ok well yeah.

Anonymous said...

I think it's because they want to use American actors but for some reason, have no interest in hiring American writers.

Anonymous said...

P.S. Good luck with the mini desserts idea. The idea of a mini tiramisu makes my knees a little weak.

Beth Currie said...

Yeah Black Books is great. Bill Bailey is a comic genius. And, yeah, dishevelled Irish guy is really quite sexy.

If you like that you should try Green Wing. That's *really* kooky British comedy. Has the girl from Black Books in it.

I also love the mini desserts idea. Mmmmmmmmmm.