
10 pounds down 32 pounds to go!

Friday, May 26, 2006


so, i don't have that thing. i can tell you it's the worst idea ever to google a condition before going to the doctor. it's just an infection. i have drops. very expensive drops. but the eye it is improving. crisis averted.

i'm freaking out about vacation. FOR NO GOOD REASON AT ALL. it should not be so stressful to go on vacation. i don't know what my deal is. matt just keeps saying "uhm it's vacation...there's no hurry.". and i'm like AHHHHH vacation. i'm trying not to freak out anymore because it is indeed vacation and there's no need to worry. so we're relaxedly going to my house tonight and staying till sunday. and then going to frederick on sunday. and then next sunday the adorable mayqueen is coming for a visit. i don't know what to do with all the fun.

this whole week my mind has been all over the place. i can't concentrate at all. every time i walk in to a room i forget why i'm there. matt requested alcohol and tweezers last night (so he could remove microscopic bits of aluminum from his finger which got stuck in a milling machine) and the poor dear had to wait 5 minutes while i walked around the house trying to find the tweezers and remembering to grab the alcohol. and just now i put a tray of quarters in the fridge instead of the vault. if anyone needs a vacation.

i'll be back next monday, unless the internet becomes available. i hope everyone has a good week!


Rebecca said...

have a great vaca!!

i'll miss your posts...but I guess I'll survive..:)

Amy said...

it's going to be weird stepping away from the community, i know i'll be thinking "i can't wait to post this" the whole time!