
10 pounds down 32 pounds to go!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

"Cupcake, your middle name is trouble."

Today I met a cake that was too much for me. It was my clients birthday and we had a lovely lunch at the new Irish pub in town with a guinness chocolate cake for dessert. The cake was very good, but it was also four layers which was three layers too many. It's so weird because I have been looking forward to an excuse to eat cake guilt free. Until today at least. This morning I wanted to wear some new pants for the special occasion but uh oh, they didn't fit so hot. Which is why I came home to do pilates for ONE HUNDRED HOURS. I hate it when clothes don't fit that used to fit, it breaks the illusion that nothing is wrong. I like being delusional and eating cake and pretending nothing is wrong. Bummer.


Rebecca said...

hahahaha...doesn't everyone!?

Blogga said...

Eat cake, ditch the guilt.

Recent research shows that guilt causes the body to increase cortisol levels which then makes the body store more fat. Better then to relish the cake!
At last, science all lardies should love!