
10 pounds down 32 pounds to go!

Friday, December 07, 2007

"On a scale of 1 to 10, it sucked"

My day sort of sucks. The least annoying part is that the scale was 173 this morning. That's the part that pisses me off least. Grumpy Mcgrumpanator, am I. I have a little link action for you though. There's a wee discussion on a friend of mine's page about whether or not Snow White is the fat Disney Princess. Born in 1937 she's the oldest of the princesses and drawn in a time with very different ideals, short hair and fair skin. Do you think she's chubby too?


Lauren said...

so, I clicked on the link and wasn't able to view anything because they have their myspace page set to private. As for snow white, I would say she was healthy.

Anonymous said...

Snow White seems to have badonkadonk but she is not chubby!

Amy said...

Whoops. I'm a Myspace moron. I think she's the prettiest, I'm a fan of fair.

The Fat Foreigner said...

I don't think she's chubby, so much as she's portrayed as very childlike, and her character design reflects that.

lovelines said...

Huh, I never thought of that before, but yeah, she does look different from all the others. Not less pretty though. It'd be like comparing Marilyn Monroe to one of the thin stars of today.