
10 pounds down 32 pounds to go!

Friday, November 09, 2007

"I'm on the squad, which is great,'cause I feel like cheering and leading others to cheer."

This morning was a great morning because the new scale dipped under 170. I sometimes think it does that on purpose. Somehow the scaale knew I just wrote this whole thing about weighing a million pounds. And then, what, two days later it's completely where I thought it should be. Hating an inanimate object is such a waste of time. I'm pissed that I let myself get really upset about it when I didn't need to. What's worse is I knew I didn't need to get upset about it, like I knew I didn't need to get on the scale in the first place having spent my morning eating and drinking and making merry. Making merry of a morning is fun and all but not so much when you need to step on a scale to check in with your self worth.

It's starting to get old, the ups and downs of my mood being tied to a digital readout. Ten, size ten. Why, why, why can't I just take that joy and run with it? It's pretty damn awesome. Matt tried to reason with me, and that's the reason he used. He also said, more than a little sheepishly, "doesn't ones' menstrual cycle sometimes add false weight?" That's clearly an Amy-fied version of his words, but, there was something very clinical and please don't yell at me about the way he said it that I wanted to convey. Did it work? There's something about the use of "ones'" that just says "don't whoop my ass because 'ones'' could be ANYBODY".

In other news, completely irrelevant and unrelated news but oddly parallelled in hypocrisy to this post, the old site is back up and running. Have you been yearning to know how much of an ass I was in college, yearn no more. The link is in the sidebar. Proceed with caution, or atleast brace yourself for the bastardization of grammar.


MayQueen said...

If you want to take off the link to my blog and pretend you don't know me, I'll completely understand :)
By the way, did you get the letter? I can't believe our first reunion is this May. They're missing seven people and one of them is Apple Head.

Amy said...

And I would want to blank you why? I didn't even notice apple head, I was thinking Nesta and her thing for rollerderby...

MayQueen said...

Oh, god, I saw Nesta on there, too. Every time I see a single car parked in two spaces, I think of her. Luckily, I don't see cars parked that way very often.

Amy said...

candle in her deal is in the archives too...