
10 pounds down 32 pounds to go!

Monday, June 26, 2006


i forgot this morning. oh well. who cares when it doesn't change anyway. about that, welcome to salad week. chopped, nicoise, ceasar. this week is dedicated to lettuce. and baby spinach for that extra iron-y goodness. it's going to be riveting. i might even toast the walnuts. look out Bar Harbor!

in other news, i want to cut all my hair off. partly because i feel like a freak with a mushroom for a head and partly because of her. that is the adorable sarah jane potts in kinky boots. her hair is so adorable, as is the rest of her. i want to put her in my pocket. so cute.

there's not much else on at the moment. shopping for vegetables and vacuuming are my big plans. and compulsive boot shopping. you can't watch that movie and not want those red dom boots with the whip in the side. two and a half feet of tubular sex alright.


Rebecca said...

hey...what other movie was she in? she looks so familiar...

hhhmm...maybe i'm thinking of the dixie chic? but no.. she must have been in another movie i saw...

thats a very adorable hair cut... you go girl...you've got some guts!

Amy said...

she does look familiar, but i didn't recognize any of the other titles. i'm worried if i get her cut it'll be a curly mess and i'll end up in a phyllis diller wig.

Rebecca said...


joyce said...

Hey I just stumbled across your blog, and its FUnny! You've been added to my favorites- thanks.

Amy said...

thanks Joyce! how sweet.

Wendell said...

Hahaha - Phyllis Diller. This is what my hair would look like short and without a helmet of gel. I loved my hair short (and with a helmet of gel) but people didn't like hugging me and getting slime on their faces, so I grew it out. Now it's more like Michael Bolton's. Thank god for these new straightening irons. Anyway - good luck with salad week and finding boots.